A First

This past Saturday was my very first book signing for my new book, The Declaration of Independence from A to Z, at the very quaint Blue Chair Children’s Books in Glendora, California.

This was the perfect place for a first signing: family owned business, very friendly owners, cheerful store, wonderful atmosphere. I couldn’t have been more pleased.

Family, friends, and strangers who became friends, came in, bought books, and had me sign their copies.  And the pictures! I think I had my picture taken more times in those two hours than in my entire lifetime (well, maybe not, but it was a lot!). But I had a great time.

Me with Shaelyn of Blue Chair, and my friend (and sometimes co-author) Gaby.

Special thanks goes to my hostess, Shaelyn, who was very accommodating, asking me constantly if there was anything I needed. I felt so welcomed.

If you are ever in old town Glendora in Southern California, make sure you stop and visit this cute store. There are books, educational toys, and knick knacks to buy, couches and chairs to sit on, and even a climbing wall to scramble up (for the kids…sorry adults). My daughters and their friends and cousins loved the place. We plan to go back again.

This first signing will definitely go down as one of the most memorable moments of my life. I had an absolutely fantastic time.

And if you missed this one, come see me at the Barnes and Noble in Orange this Saturday, February 27th, 2010, from 2pm to 4pm. The store is located at 791 South Main Street in Orange, California. Hope to see you there!

School Visit

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking to the 6th grade class of Buena Vista Art-Integrated School in Montclair, CA. I spoke a bit about my writing career, and then read from my new book, The Declaration of Independence from A to Z. The children were very attentive and asked some great questions. I also encouraged any would-be writers to pursue getting published in some of the magazines and e-zines that accept submissions from students.

Thanks Mr. Smith and Mr. Ku and all the 6th graders at Buena Vista for a great visit!

Reading to the 6th graders at Buena Vista Arts-Integrated

Starting Out

I’m in the process of preparing for a school visit I have later in the week for a group of 6th grade students at a local elementary school. The teacher wants me to talk about writing so I can encourage those who may one day want to be writers.

There is so much to share. The journey I took, like most writers, was one of stepping stones and building blocks. One step led to another, which led to another, etc. But one of the main things I want to stress to these students is the importance of learning, especially at their age.

It is now that they should be reading all they can get their hands on. It is now that they should be developing their spelling and grammar skills. Knowing how thoughts are expressed in a written format, and knowing how to put  one’s thoughts and ideas down coherently at an early age can only increase one’s chances of publication later on.

I am so thankful for some of the tough English teachers I had growing up. I didn’t enjoy those classes at that time, but I did do one thing: I learned. And that learning has opened up some amazing writing doors for me.

It’s Here!

What an amazing feeling to be holding my first published book! It’s a mix of shock, wonder, and happiness held together by a vague sense of unreality. This has been an almost 3 year in the making process and I am very pleased with the results. (Notice the smile!)

Me holding my first published book!