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4 Responses

  1. I just read your article in the SCBWI bulletin and I wanted to say thanks. I found it really informative. I have written various picture books over the years, but have never quite hit the mark in finding them a home. You’ve actually given me hope. I might even take out the notes I made in the spring for an alphabet book (which I’ve never attempted before) and give it a try. I had decided it was a fruitless endeavor, but your research ideas have given me some encouragement. If you have any other tips or suggestions that didn’t make it into your article, I would love to hear them.

    Thanks so much,

    Laurie Taddonio

    • Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad my article has given you hope. My next best advice is to not give up. If you truly believe writing is your gift, keep pursuing means to improve your skills. Join a writers’ group to receive positive criticism of your work. Feedback is a must to help hone your craft. Also, branch out a bit to gain experience. I started writing inspirational articles for my Church’s women’s ministry newsletter. That led to other avenues, which eventually led to meeting wonderful writing mentors who encouraged me along the way. Writing is a series of steps, not leaps. Start small. Work hard. You will be surprised at all you’ll be able to accomplish if you’re persistent! Best to you!

  2. Your article in the SCBWI bulletin was the most-level headed approach to picture book writing I’ve ever come across! Write from the heart is great advice, and you hear it everywhere, but sometimes it just isn’t practical. Your article is practical and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your experience and advice. I belong to two great critique groups and we’ll be sure to discuss your article at our next meetings. Congratulations on your success! Now back to PiBoIdMo to try to combine the creative and the practical….

    • Thanks, Wendy! I was encouraged greatly by the members of my critique group, especially Nancy I. Sanders. She also wrote an excellent resource for writers called, “Yes! You Can…Build a Successful Writing Career.” It was her mentoring that really stretched me as a writer. Blessings to you!

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