Summer Time

The kids are out of school. The days are getting longer, and the temps are getting warmer. Some would use this time to relax, but does a writer ever really relax? Our minds are still going; our eyes still observing. We look for possibilities for story ideas, characters, and concepts. At least that’s what I do. I want to soak up all that I see and hear and feel so that one day I can sit at my computer and make it a part of a novel, article, or tale.

I have several projects I’m working on at the moment, but these are assignments, not creative stories of my own design. I want a summertime fun project to work on. Perhaps I’ll write a mystery or adventure story. I love these kinds of stories. So while the kids are taking it easy, I’ll sit with laptop, or maybe a legal pad and pen, and let the thoughts flow and bring some new characters to life. I can’t wait to get started!