About Me

Here’s a little about my writing journey:

Back in 2002 a friend asked for some help in developing her writing skills. Little did I know the writing bug would bite me! I began getting published shortly afterwards with my first pieces being printed in the Women’s Ministry Newsletter of my church. They also accepted my comic strips! I was a quarterly contributor of both comics and devotionals for several years.

My first paid writing job was for four stories for a private school’s reading program. Overall, I had over 200 stories accepted by them.

My connection with the newsletter led me to meet Nancy I. Sanders, a wonderful author of over 100 books. I joined her critique group and received very valuable advice and encouragements. She introduced me to an editor from Focus on the Family, and I was able to have articles published in the Discovery Years newsletter and in Clubhouse Jr. and Clubhouse magazines.

I joined another of Nancy’s critique groups known as the Wordsmiths. It was a wonderful group of serious Christian writers who have been very blessed by God with the gift of words.

In 2007 Nancy encouraged us all to join the Book In A Month Club. I took up the challenge and wrote an alphabet book manuscript to send to the publisher I had chosen. They liked my idea, but wanted me to emphasize on one particular aspect of American history. I took three months to rewrite the manuscript, then after it had been reviewed by the Wordsmiths, I sent it out again. They liked it! My very first picture book, The Declaration of Independence from A to Z, was published by Pelican Publishing Company in 2010. It is illustrated by the very talented Layne Johnson.

Since then I have worked on a variety of writing projects, including many work-for-hire stories and books. And, I have been able to develop my drawing and illustrating skills. I look forward to write and illustrate my own stories.

I live in Southern California with my husband and three of our four children. My hobbies include reading children’s books and drawing my cartoons.

“Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us,

But to Your name give glory…”

Psalm 115:1a